Adventure Art captures the essence of being there©

Colorado, Uncompaghre Canyon Sunset

Uncompaghre Canyon Sunset

©2007-2023 Susan Thiele

Location: Colorado, Uncompaghre Plateau
Image Size: 19 " x 7"

Due to the protracted monsoons this summer, we had some incredible sunsets and sunrises this year. I was determined to paint one of them plein air and enter it into the state-wide Colorado Plein Air Artsfest. Although the color patterns of the sunset are usually horizontal, I used my imagination to render them into a vertical composition. On a different day, I sketched the foreground from a location on our property, not far from the yurt. The sunset is actually a bit farther north, but I moved it to the head of the canyon and adjusted the light to reflect into the canyon. In this view, Moab is only 100 miles away, as the crow flies!
